• What steps should be taken to obtain an ISWC?
    For new works, no steps are necessary. Works will be automatically assigned a number as part of the registration process.
    For previously registered works or "existing" repertoire, ISWC numbers may be assigned at any time.

    Please note that as of today only Registration Agencies are able to deliver ISWCs to their respective affiliates. 
  • To request an ISWC as a Publisher, via the IAS (ISWC Allocation Service), access has to be granted by the Society of which the Publisher is a member of. You can find more information here: ISWC Allocation Service for Publishers
    Please contact your affiliated Society directly, to request access.

    In the meantime, you can sign up for the IRS (ISWC Resolution Service), please find further information here: ISWC Resolution Service for Publishers.

    Before commencing UAT for the ISWC Resolution Service, Publishers must sign the required Terms and Conditions with CISAC. More information can be found here.
  • When is an ISWC allocated?
    An ISWC code is only allocated by the local Registration Agency when all of the creators of the work have been uniquely identified.
  • Who is responsible for allocating the ISWCs?
    Registration Agencies are responsible for the assignment of ISWCs. These agencies are authorised to receive and process applications for ISWC numbers. Once an application is processed, an ISWC number will be assigned to the musical work at the central registry.

    This central registry stores the ISWC numbers and their corresponding descriptive metadata. This central database makes available the ISWC public information among the music value chain (e.g. CMOs, publishers, sub-publishers, digital platforms, general public, etc.).
  • What determines the authority of a local Registration Agency to assign ISWC numbers?
    The internal rules of ISWC administration as stated in the agreement with the Registration Authority, which are amended from time to time.

    An official ISO copy of the ISWC Standard can be purchased here.
  • May creators and publishers allocate their own ISWC numbers?
    No, ISWCs are only assigned by the authorised local or regional Registration Agency.

    If the creators or publishers do not have a direct relationship with the local or regional Registration Agency, they may contact the Registration Authority for assistance.
  • Who administers the ISWC?
    The ISWC is administered by CISAC, which is the Registration Authority as appointed by ISO.